“Let the entire man be seized with fear; let the whole world tremble; let heaven exult when Christ, the Son of the Living God, is on the altar in the hands of the priest.” St. Francis of Assisi but as a Word addressed to us today by the living God.
Conscious participation calls for the entire community to be properly instructed in the mysteries of the liturgy, lest the experience of worship degenerate into a form of ritualism. St Pope John Pail II
No matter how mundane the Mass might seem at any given moment, it is more powerful than we can fully comprehend in this life
Sacred Liturgy
full, conscious, and active participation
Sacred Liturgy
Pray with our heart and mind secondly with our bodies and voices
Sacred Liturgy
Let us humbly admit that the real work of sacred Liturgy is the work of God upon our soul
Sacred Liturgy
We respond with faith and devotion to the work of God upon our soul.