About Us

Established in 2019, Renewed in Liturgy Ministry is serving Catholics by
providing sound resources to promote and experience the holy celebration of Mass with reverence and active participation.

Renewed in Liturgy Ministry believes the aim of Liturgy is union with Christ in communion with the Church and there is a need to promote the belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. It will become a reality only if we try to foster greater understanding of the beauty, power and real presence of Jesus and active participation in the celebration of Holy Mass.

We believe that without proper understanding, our celebration of Holy Mass will become just an obligation. We also believe that with proper understanding of the Mass, Holy Mass will become a source of blessing and change our lives.

We also believe that real understanding of Holy Mass will bring unity in families and is a tool of evangelization.

With this mission, Renewed in Liturgy Ministry actively engage people in
understanding the meaning, history, beauty, and power of Holy Mass through seminars, teachings, and videos and social media.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI ) writes, “what is exciting
about Christian Liturgy is that it lifts us up out of our narrow sphere and lets us share in the ‘Truth’ and the aim of all liturgical renewal must be to bring to light this liberating greatness”. As a ministry committed to such a process of ‘bringing to light’ the truth and liberating greatness of liturgy” we have been helping people with tools to experience this most powerful prayer of the church.

RIL this is my body

our mission

Our Mission is to help the faithful rediscover the beauty, the holiness, and the
power of the Church’s rich liturgical tradition while remaining faithful to an
organic, living process of renewal.

our vision

Our Vision for the future is ‘all people especially Catholics come to the realization of the power and beauty of celebration and offering of Mass and experience the presence of “Living Christ” so that they will become the face of Jesus in this world.